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3rd prize senior school mural 2015

Mural Masterpieces - Wellington Seventh Day Adventist School

Wellington Seventh Day Adventist School Resene Mural Masterpieces competition 2015Location:
Wellington Seventh Day Adventist School, Raiha Street, Porirua.

All students in the school and Margaret Ogilvie and Elmer Breedt.

Accessible to public:
Yes, only during school hours.

Mural theme:
Welcoming visitors and depicting school values, cultures and purpose.

Background to mural creation:
This mural was created to welcome all to the school.

This suggestion was made by a staff member that a welcome sign on the end of the school building would improve the entrance to the school grounds and could also indicate our school values and culture. It was therefore decided to involve all the pupils in the process of creating the mural and to use it as a teaching opportunity at the same time.

The children were asked to sketch on paper, which was the same scale as the proposed mural, their ideas as to what should be on a welcome sign and at the same time indicate the school’s varied cultures and Christian values.

The children’s suggestions were all displayed in the staff room and staff selected ideas to suit the space available. These ideas were cut out and combined as a draft on scaled paper to determine the final plan. The final layout was very similar to the originals of many of the children and combined the ideas of many children.

So that the actual work of the children themselves could be scaled up to the size of the boards, the children’s original sketches were photocopied onto transparencies to enable these originals to be projected onto the boards at the appropriate size.

Preparation of the painting surfaces was done by the junior children who gave the boards two coats of undercoat. It was decided to build up the colours starting by painting the entire background and so avoid the intricate work of painting around objects or patterns. Objects and patterns could be painted on top of the dry background paint.

The idea for the choice of backgrounds colours was taken from a mural at the SDA Church Headquarters, The Christ of the Narrow Way, so that the brightest colour would focus attention on the centre of the mural which indicates the focus on Christian belief. The darker colours were painted by the children and merged into the brightest colours in the centre.

Once the background paint was dry, the children’s original ideas were projected onto the board and children traced over these and then these ideas were painted. Every child at the school was involved in the mural. Children with the finest motor control completed the final outlining.

Wellington Seventh Day Adventist School mural entry in the Resene Mural Masterpieces competition


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